Celebration Box Supports Life Education
We deliver Gift Boxes, Sweet Treats & Flowers nationwide 🎁

Celebration Box Supports Life Education

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Celebration Box joins The Harold Club

For over 30 years Life Education has been educating and empowering kids in New Zealand to make positive choices. In a world where children are increasingly being exposed to products such as Vaping and with ready access to unhealthy content online, providing kids with information that allows them to make positive choices around health, the human body and how to be a good friend is as important as ever.

Harold The Giraffe Life Education

Wayne and Melanie Kennerley, through their business Kennerley Gourmet Grocery, are proud to support Life Education Counties Manukau to foster a space for over 30,000 children annually to learn and explore in unique classrooms about making positive choices.

“With three children ourselves we are aware of the choices they are exposed to every day that may forever change their lives. Enabling kids with information that helps them make the right choices in life to be healthy and successful is important to us. We’ve witnessed the positive work Life Education does, specifically in the Counties Manukau area, and wanted to support that”, said Wayne Kennerley Managing Director of Kennerley Gourmet Grocery.

“Through our business we are fortunate enough to support a wide range of charities and causes, normally this is with one off type donations and by volunteering time to help. Having worked with Life Education Counties Manukau for several years we wanted to provide ongoing support and signing up as a Life Education Partner enabled us to achieve that. I’d encourage businesses, both big and small to find out more and provide ongoing support to charities such as Life Education”.

About Kennerley Gourmet Grocery Ltd

Kennerley Gourmet Grocery delivers consumers and corporates gifting solutions for all ages and occasions through its four brands; Celebration Box is an online business delivering Gift Boxes, Flowers and Sweet Treats NZ wide. The Wild Rose is a Takanini based florist that specialises in delivering fresh, great value Flowers alongside premium Gifting options. Paddock To Pantry is all about premium Gift Baskets and Gourmet Grocery, while its recent acquisition Hello & Cookie delivers a personalised cookie solution.

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